Hi there, hope you are all having a great day. Some news for you…..
To view the art works please contact for a catalogue to mbnowinternational@yahoo.com
The remaining historic Four Courts Art Collection – 14 pieces in all are available for purchase. The artist has made the proceeds from the sales available to help realise Angel In The Marble (new book for parents, organisations, government, sports and more in prevention, recovery, addictions, suicide and what we can actively do to make families and communities happier and safer)
The Law Society of Ireland has just taken one of these paintings for their collection – great news and support so only 13 of the entire collection remaining. The artist sold out the rest at his exhibition in 2003.
So check them out and let us know what you think. You can also subscribe to my newsletter on the home page and I will keep you updated about when the book is coming out.